Monday, March 13, 2017

Lenten Devotional - Day Eleven

Scripture: Psalm 121
“I lift up my eyes to the hills — from where will my help come?
My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.”
(Ps. 121:1-2)
  My brother, Bob, is a recovering addict - he’s been “clean” for more than 12 years, all because he looked to the Lord for help.

  Bob started on marijuana when he was a teenager. For many years, we had no idea he was using – we had never been exposed to drugs and didn’t really know the symptoms of drug usage.

  As time passed, he began to use harder drugs, and started stealing to get them. When he was arrested, we realized what had been going on with Bob. We tried to help in various ways, none of which worked. His first wife left him and took his son, because she wanted nothing to do with drugs; his second wife died of a drug overdose while he was in jail the first time.

  Finally, Bob stole things one time too many and he was sent to a prison in Mercer County. It was while he was there that Bob finally got the help he needed. Bob was in prison more than two years. He went to Christian counseling while he was there and began to read the Bible and devotionals. The more he read, the more he wanted a better life than the one he had with drugs. 

  He read the Psalms a lot, especially Psalm 23 and Psalm 121. He began to look more to the Lord for strength and help in living his life. And we did, too.

  “No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.” (v. 2, MSG) We knew that if our family kept looking to the Lord for help, we would all get through this together. He prayed; we prayed. He read God’s Word; we read God’s Word. He looked to the Lord; we looked to the Lord, not only for his drug habit to end, but for our direction each day. He spent more time asking the Lord for help; we did the same. We all found strength from God.

  When Bob was finally released from prison, he was a changed man. He had found the Lord; he found other friends who wouldn’t lead him back to drugs.

  We are so grateful that Bob chose to look to the Lord and found Him, waiting. And we did too.

Contributor, A friend of First Presbyterian Church, Johnstown, PA

Remember in Prayer: To those who ask “where will my help come” may they find this help with Christ’s church.

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