Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Lenten Devotional - Day 12

Scripture: John 4:40-42
“So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them; and he stayed there two days. And many more believed because of his word. They said to the woman, ‘It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the Savior of the world.’" (John 4:40-42)
  People are seeking a place where they can belong, a place where they are accepted. The Samaritan woman was not impressed by Jesus’ theology, but by his presence, how for that moment in time she was the most important person for him to spend time, even though, spending time with Samaritans was considered unacceptable.

  During the years, I worked in addictions treatment, I received hundreds of hours of training in pharmacology, counseling techniques, group therapy, treatment approaches and methods, and a host of other areas important to addictions treatment. For many of the individuals I worked with in treatment all this training I’d received meant nothing. For them, the most important thing that I did was giving them my presence. To simply be there for them when it counted. Sitting with them in a court room as they awaited sentencing. Visiting them in prison while waiting to post bail, go to trial or serve their sentence. Praying with them at their bedside while they detoxed.

  During those years, I attended numerous 12 step group meetings. The meetings helped me better understand these individuals, I was working with daily. Often, during those meetings I encountered individuals that I had provided treatment services. Often the feedback, I received from clients about the effectiveness of their treatment experience was on how much they appreciated the fact that I was present during the meetings that I attended or that I was there when they shared their personal story with the group. During those meetings, I frequently said nothing and frequently did nothing, but I did shake hands, greet people, and asked them different questions that I knew were important to them. Though these were simple actions that I took part in every day of my life, I discovered that these actions were very important, because I was present with them.

  Job’s friends who sat with him in his time of trouble, their presence counted, their main problem came when they decided to speak. We often believe we need to say something important and useful, when all that is really needed is our presence. Others simply need to know they are not alone, someone is willing to stand with them.

  Jesus makes a difference in the life of a Samaritan woman and the village where she lived, not just because of the words he shared, but because he clearly showed that his presence among them was important and they came to believe.

Lee McDermott, Contributor

Remember in Prayer: Those who are finding their ministry among those who simply need the presence and compassion of others.

Click Here PDF - Day 12 Devotional

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